Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Visit Bangkok Now

Bangkok will not be ranked as the No. 1 most popular city for international travelers without a reason. Having been to Bangkok as part of my Indochina journey, I returned home with a list of 7 reasons why you should visit Bangkok now. Continue reading “Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Visit Bangkok Now”

Money Matters: Understand the Currencies in Europe

As we all know, euro is widely used in Europe. It is the official currency of most European countries. However, it is also important to note that not all European countries, whether a Schengen member or not, use euros. Thus, one must understand the other currencies used in Europe. So if you are planning on a Europe trip, then this post for you! Continue reading “Money Matters: Understand the Currencies in Europe”

Bitten by the Travel Bug? 7 Warning Signs That You’re Bitten Hard

Have you ever wondered why more and more people are traveling these days? It seems like the trend will continue to increase in the coming years, especially for the millennials… and it’s all because of that contagious travel bug.

“Once the travel bug bites, there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life.”

-Michael Palin

Continue reading “Bitten by the Travel Bug? 7 Warning Signs That You’re Bitten Hard”